Meet the team: David πŸš€

Meet David

David knows a thing or two about data & analytics. David started out when the main requirements were well-formatted reports that could roll out of the printer. If, on top of that, the numbers were correct, you did a great job! Luckily, times evolved, and David has picked up a variety of roles ranging from developer, architect, project manager, data strategist, … in the context of Azure, Power BI, Databricks, ...

Why did you choose Plainsight?

Easy! The people and the values. Having such a like-minded group of people makes working a fabulous experience. I really get a lot of energy from seeing how people outperform by moving things forward through teamwork.

How did you discover your passion for data?

That was quite some time ago! I guess it was around the age of 14. My computer was already a combination of components spread out on my desk. The only thing that connected these components were some cables and the power on/off button. From there, I first learned to program simple things. However, I realized that if you want to store your data, you need... a database! That's where my passion for data started. My future choices all revolved around informatics, data, and economics.

Random question: What is your best work hack?

Snoozing! And I'm not talking about snoozing my alarm clock. I love the snooze functionality on emails. It helps me do the right things at the right time.

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